Workflow Technology

Streamline your processes and boost productivity with our workflow system. Keep your team on track and your projects moving forward efficiently.

Auto Artwork

Effortlessly generate artwork with the click of a button.

Our automated system allows you to quickly and easily generate high-quality artwork, streamlining the design process and saving you time.

Image Slideshow Items

  • Image Description
  • Image Description
  • Image Description
  • Image Description

Asset Ripping

Streamline your workflow with our asset ripping feature.

Say goodbye to manual asset extraction. Our automated system allows you to quickly extract assets with precision and ease, saving you time and reducing errors.

Image description

Artwork Data Extraction

Automate your data extraction process for faster results.

Extracting data from artwork is now simpler and quicker with our automated system. Eliminate the need for manual data entry and get faster results.

Image description
Image description
Image description

Auto Tasks

Streamline your workflow with automated tasks.

Our system allows you to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time for your team to focus on higher value activities.

  1. API Accepted New Job - step completed

  2. SKU Created - step completed

  3. Preview Ripping - current step

    Auto Data Extraction

    See all updates

  4. Auto Assign SKU to Client

Auto Dispatch

Automate your dispatch process for maximum efficiency.

With our automated dispatch feature, you can streamline your workflow and ensure timely delivery of your products and services.

  • Heavenly Swirl 50g

  • Craft City 330g

  • SizzlingSalsaFajitas Mild

Auto Invoicing

Get paid on-time without quoting errors.

Our automated invoicing system saves you time and simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on more important aspects of your business.

    • Invoice No.


    • Date

      June 28, 2023

Description Qty Price
Sizzling Salsa Fajitas Redesign 1 $0.00
Design Consultancy 20h $00.00
Subtotal $00.00
VAT 20% $00.00
Discount 0% -$00.00
Total $00.00

Auto Emails

Streamline your communications with automated emails.

Our system allows you to send automated emails, reducing the time and effort required to send regular updates to your team and clients.

Your files are ready

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View Files

Data Validation Checking

Ensure accurate data with automated validation.

Our system automatically validates data, ensuring accuracy and reducing errors. Say goodbye to manual checks and hello to peace of mind.


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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

Issues Found

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit.
  • Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eos perferendis dolor veritatis in harum facere sunt reprehenderit incidunt.

Project Workflows

Simplify your project management with automated workflows.

Our system allows you to automate your project workflows, reducing errors and saving you time. Focus on the big picture while our system takes care of the details.

Workflow Management

Your own Bot.

Report Management

Effective reporting.